Civil War Lenses
  • Civil War Lenses
  • Civil War Lenses
  • Civil War Lenses

Civil War Lenses

Starting at: $25

Size Chart

The price does not include the faceshell and if you want it,please choose this option.

  • Ankle Zip
  • Detached Feet
  • Detached Mask
  • Female Crotch Zip
  • Male Crotch Zip
  • Mask Zip
  • Neck Zip
  • Open Eyes
  • U Zip
  • Forearm Zip
  • Kungfu shoes
  • Soles:black rubber soles to the bottom of the suit
  • A mask without choosing attached lenses:
  • Puff Painting Webs only.It costs extra 20 working days.
  • Screen Printed Emblems Can't Go With Back Zip.
Product Reviews
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 reviews)
by Schlág LionelDate Added: 10/13/2024TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Love this Faceshell! Great quality and it fits perfect!

by Logan RobertsDate Added: 01/18/2024TEXT_OF_5_STARS
They changed the design of the civil war lenses as well as the materials and the new design is much cheaper in its look and feel. Unfortunately the rest of these great reviews of this product are of the former design used by Print Costume. The new Civil War lenses are made of a flimsy foam type material instead of the previous strong rubber. the previous lenses also was curved by design allowing an easy magnetic fit to the faceshell which held on strong, while the current design is flat and has to bend to hold onto the magnets. This change forced the foam to unnaturally bend when magnetized to the faceshell and doesn't give the strongest connection. The shape of the new lenses are also wonky and not accurate while again the previous design was on point and looked very accurate to the civil war appearance. PrintCostume, please bring back the previous design. I would gladly pay extra for the other design. I own both so I do know which are worth paying for.

by Paolo Del gobboDate Added: 01/24/2022TEXT_OF_5_STARS
great quality, I didn't expect them to be so well done. Thanks again print costume

by Fynn FerdinandsDate Added: 01/05/2022TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Great quality and affordable face shell! Must have for any Spider-Man cosplayer to give the mask a more solid shape. When you receive it, you may want to superglue on some additional magnets on the lenses for an even tighter fit.

by Jared OwensDate Added: 12/23/2021TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Love this Faceshell it fits perfect!!

by Bernardo GuarischiDate Added: 11/19/2021TEXT_OF_5_STARS
While l got my cosplay from another website, the lenses of it are the exact same as this one from printcostume as far as i can tell. Which is why I think they’re great! At first it was kind of difficult to see but after a while I got really used to it. But thats from the inside, from the outside the lenses look amazing as well! They might not move like in the MCU movies but they still give off that classic John Romita Sr Spider-Man vibes that we see on the big screen! If you want smaller, more classic looking lenses compared to the TASM 2 ones, or just want them for your MCU Spider-Man cosplay, I cant recommend getting them from this site enough!

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 reviews)
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