You need to pay for the pattern fee and It is $40 on the Gun Head Design website.
If you do not have it,you may order here to save $5.
If you already have it,please choose I already have it and send the pattern to us after your payment.
We need about 2 weeks to finish this cosplay costume for you.
Ankle Zip
Detached Feet
Detached Mask
Female Crotch Zip
Male Crotch Zip
Mask Zip
Neck Zip
Open Eyes
U Zip
Forearm Zip
Kungfu shoes
Soles:black rubber soles to the bottom of the suit
A mask without choosing attached lenses:
Puff Painting Webs only.It costs extra 20 working days.
Screen Printed Emblems Can't Go With Back Zip.
Product Reviews
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 reviews)
by Francesco F.Date Added: 12/31/2024

by Richard MackDate Added: 10/30/2023

Been a big fan of the Scarlet Spider since TCS, this suit is a great base but the camera does not give it full credit. This is my first suit and will not be my last!
by Thomas MurphyDate Added: 06/02/2023

I had this Suit for around a Year and it is one of the Best Suits that I ever got. a lot of People did say to me that it really suits me as a Person and a Cosplayer. it feels like that I was Born to wear it
by John Mark Nathaniel TroncalesDate Added: 01/13/2022

by Miguel LealDate Added: 12/29/2021

Great fit!! Very pleased with my first Spiderman cosplay. I recommend highly. Will purchase again. Very good quality for price.
Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 reviews)